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Messianic Church Arising!
Volume Two – Sons of Zion vs Sons of Greece
Now available!
This has been an incredible calling. Truly the greatest story never told, until now! When I began, I had no idea what I would uncover – new Hebrew Gospels, the secret suppressed history of the Messianic Church, the unparalleled historic achievements of the Messianic Movement – throughout two millennia – a Movement that is not supposed to exist! Stories of magnificent worldwide scope and full of heart-pounding excitement fill the pages! This account has been forbidden to you – a book in which the heretics and pirates are the good guys!
This story had to get out! It is the story of the foundational beliefs of our faith. So many who have been called, do not know the history of the Messianic Movement and the survival of The Hebrew Gospels – but no one did – until now! Now I can devote my full energies to the Hebrew Gospels Publication Project. Revelation will be our next publication. Coming Soon!